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Nakamura Kyokushin Karate

Our aim is to provide a safe, disciplined, fun way of learning Kyokushin Karate as a true Martial Art to help our students grow into mature, well mannered individuals with the hope that we can help build a better community.

​International Karate Organization Nakamura.

A Sensei assists students in,

Ken Shiki


"The Pursuit of Knowledge".


Adam Walker
Certified Kyokushin 4th Dan

First of all let me congratulate you as you have expressed an interest in one of the best karate clubs in the UK and the only one of its kind in the North East of England. The instruction given here is of the highest standard and is the result of our Chief Instructor spending six years training and teaching in Japan.


He is also a qualified secondary school teacher with knowledge of different learning styles. At our club we have members who train for many reasons. If you want to simply keep fit whilst learning a martial art that is fine. If you want to become a champion, that is fine too. We cater for all ages and abilities.


A Way of Life

Karate is a martial art and a way of life that trains a practitioner to be peaceful; but if conflict is unavoidable, true karate dictates taking down an opponent with a single blow.

Such an action requires strength, speed, focus, control. But these physical aspects are only part of the practice; they are just the vehicle, not the journey itself.

True karate is based on Bushido. In true karate, the Body, Mind and Spirit "The Whole Person" must be developed simultaneously. Through Kihon, Kumite and Kata we learn to control our movements. But more importantly, we learn to give up control too.


We can perform the techniques without thinking about them, and remain focused without having to concentrate on any one thing. In essence, the body remembers how to move and the mind remembers how to be still.

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